School Visits
Your school visit to the museum is an exciting way for students to encounter Jewish history, to view real artefacts in the collection and to sit in an original synagogue. They will have time for questions and discussion. We will work with teachers to find out what subjects are of most interest and the level of depth needed. We welcome your questions and suggestions.
We offer the following topics from which you may choose any combination:
A. The Synagogue-Sacred Space
The origins of the synagogue, the significance of the Ark, Scrolls and Sacred Texts, Bimah, Ner Tamid, Ten Commandments.
The role of the Rabbi.

B. Home as Sacred Space
Shabbat. Keeping kosher. Customs and prayer.Women’s role. Kippah, Tefillin, Mezuzah, Shema prayer.
Rites of passage- Brit Milah, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Marriage and Death.
C. A Walk Through the Jewish Calendar
Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim, Pesach, Shavuot and Tish’ A B’Av. Origins and Rituals. Special food and prayer.

D. Pesach/Passover
The story of Passover, the Haggadah, the seder. Festival preparations and foods.E. The Story of Jewish People and Their Faith
The origins and the Patriarchs.The Covenants and Temple periods.
Identity, Expulsion, Diaspora, Enlightenment, Shoah, Israel.

F. History of the Irish Jewish Community
First Settlers, why they came to Ireland, their various occupations and their synagogues, schools and neighbourhoods they settled in. How they adapted to Ireland and the impact of their lives on Irish history. WWII, the community today.G. Learning from The Holocaust
What was the Holocaust? Victims and perpetrators. Origins of antisemitism, Kristallnacht, ghettoes, the Camp System, the aftermath.Irish personalities and events connected to the Holocaust. Importance of Tolerance in today’s world. Holocaust distortion and denial.
(Suitable for Transition Year students and above).

All school visits should be booked in advance by emailing
Suitable for all levels. Please allow at least an hour for your class visit.
A donation of €3 per student is kindly requested. However, if funds are lacking, please let us know.