Control your ‘Artificial Intelligence’ – two rabbis 100 years ago set the standard. The Prague-based legend of the Golem has roots in a Psalm and in Sayings of the Fathers, was fleshed out in a Talmud tractate, and in the mid-19th century appeared as a Romantic narrative serving as a metaphor for artistic, scientific, and technological developments. Popular tales in Jewish history coexisted with sophisticated analyses of relations between man and his environment. They still do. 100 years ago, rabbis Yudl Rosenberg and Chayim Bloch made the latter strand explicit: in order to remain in charge, divide the issue into three parameters. This talk will show how. Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics need revisiting, too.
It is essential to book ahead for this event.
To book, please email: info@jewishmuseum.ie.